10 Baby Signs to Decrease Tantrums and Increase Connection

10 Baby Signs to Decrease Tantrums and Increase Connection

No matter how much child development I know about, it’s still really tough to handle when my child tantrums or cries about something I don’t understand. Now, teaching your baby sign language won’t eliminate these tantrums (sorry!) altogether, but I’m not sure that should be the goal anyway. Tantrums, crying and whining are normal: they’re the only way our little ones have to communicate with us at first!

Baby shoes for your standing/newly walking baby.

Baby shoes for your standing/newly walking baby.

I really thought I would cry when my daughter started walking. I wanted to cry - what a huge milestone. But I didn’t. Maybe because it happened little by little each day and wasn’t the “oh my gosh she’s walking!” moment I had imagined? Or maybe it was because I was thinking “oh man another thing to research and buy - SHOES!?”

I gave my daughter the official stamp of “new walker!” approval at 9.5 months when she could walk across the room unassisted without falling. This meant that I had at least 3 months less than I had hoped to do shoe research!

Starting solids? PRIYApproved feeding tools

Starting solids? PRIYApproved feeding tools

I have to say, I was really excited about starting solids. Before my child was even born. I actually wish I could go back and just have her breastfeed now, because solid food feeding involves a LOT more prep, gear and a different kind of patience. To be honest, I don’t enjoy it much (eeek!). I do enjoy cooking and watching my daughter’s reactions to new foods and foods she loves. I get a huge kick out of her improving self feeding; that fine pincer grasp she uses to pick up a quartered blueberry makes my heart soar.

The best baby toothbrush ever! And other infant toothbrushing tips.

The best baby toothbrush ever! And other infant toothbrushing tips.

Why am I writing about toothbrushes? Well, I’ve spend a lot of time, money and energy testing various kinds out on my baby. Additionally, as a pediatric occupational therapist, I spend a lot of time noticing what happens in the mouth, especially since the mouth is the most organizing (or disorganizing if things aren’t quite right) place in the body. I have also worked on toothbrushing for somewhere between 50-100 or more children over the last decade of being an occupational therapist. I know a thing or two, but I’m not a dentist. Chat with your dentist to get the final word, and as always, do your own research!

Take your baby outside: My Favorite Baby Sunscreens, Bug Sprays & a Tinkergarten Discount!!

Take your baby outside: My Favorite Baby Sunscreens, Bug Sprays & a Tinkergarten Discount!!

While we don’t need research to prove it, more research is coming out about the benefits of being outdoors for kids’ immunity, mood, cognitive development, sensory processing…the list goes on. The idea of outdoor pre-school, forrest school and other outdoor therapy and play groups has become “trendy” for a reason!

My kid is in the best mood after she plays outside. She also plays independently and is more calm indoors after a good outdoor session.

It’s important to start early, but there are some fears about letting kids play outdoors. I have them too! here are some of mine.

Why are there even toys?

Why are there even toys?

Don’t get me wrong, I am that person who is happiest in a toy store or in the dollar spot of Target. Toy shops and toy aisles are my jam. I get excited, I feel happy, I think of all the ways I can use the toys with my clients. I sometimes even hoard toys that are awesome in case I will need them at some point…

I have had to have my friends and family hold me back from buying too many toys at the toy store. I even pile up my basket with toys I want to buy and then at the end of my shopping trip, put all of them back on the shelves, unless I really need something.

I obviously (at least partially) became a pediatric occupational therapist to indulge my toy and game habit…

Mother's Day: A letter-list to myself, my daughter and my mother

Mother's Day: A letter-list to myself, my daughter and my mother

I remember loving Mother’s Day as a child. I couldn’t wait to unload all of those Mother’s Day crafts laden with tissue paper, beads, clay pots and flowers from school. I always hid them under my bed until Sunday to surprise my Mama.

As I got older and moved away, some years I remembered to send a card, but I always called. Every once in a while I would send a gift. I never really understood Mother’s Day until this year. It’s my first one.

You can have it all! (In a teething toy!)

You can have it all! (In a teething toy!)

I thought my daughter was teething starting at about 2 months old. Every time something was wrong, I kept texting friends “wait when do they start teething again? I really think she’s teething!”

“Hmmm that would be a bit early, but it’s not unheard of!” was a version of the response I got from several friends. And our pediatrician. But the pediatrician was wrong about other things, so maybe she was wrong about this! Plus my girl had been ahead with some milestones, so why not this one?!

It’s so easy to blame cranky…gassy…tired….drooly….etc….baby on teething.

Develop a love for reading before age ONE!

Develop a love for reading before age ONE!

Just like it takes several exposures…15 sometimes 30 or more…for babies and children to develop the taste for certain foods, the same is true for many other things as well. I have presented my daughter with toys thinking she would love them, only to have her turn the other way and find something else more interesting. However, a few days or sometimes weeks later, she gets super interested in them.

Safer Swaps for Babies and Children - food, clothing, bath, diaper, cleaning products and more!

Safer Swaps for Babies and Children - food, clothing, bath, diaper, cleaning products and more!

Our world is pretty darn toxic. Industrial, agricultural, pharmaceutical chemicals and heavy metals are in everything. Your body is designed to get rid of these chemicals right? Yes! But when you are getting the additive effect of them from all areas of your life and over time, that’s when they cause problems.

There are many swaps you can make around your home to begin to decrease what we can control about our chemical exposure. There are definitely things that are out of our control, so let’s just focus on areas we can make changes.

How to Avoid Helicopter Parenting - start early!

How to Avoid Helicopter Parenting - start early!

No doubt, you’ve heard the terms “helicopter parenting” or “over parenting” in the media recently.

We are seeing more and more information that points to the fact that being over involved in a child’s daily life skills, social interactions and school relationships can be detrimental down the line. If one does not learn to manage situations independently from early on, it’s not fair to suddenly expect these skills to develop over night when a child is a teenager or college aged.

lovevery play gym - PRIYApproved!

lovevery play gym - PRIYApproved!

Still looking for the perfect gift for your sister who is having a baby? Just born nephew? Best friend’s baby coming soon?

If there is ONE toy/play item that a new parent should get it’s this one! After years of working with babies and kids, I can promise you this ONE item will save parents money, space, and ankle sprains (you have no idea how some of these baby toys become trip hazards, especially when there are too many of them!)!