Cooking by Feel with Priya!

Cooking by Feel with Priya!

My Mission

I am passionate about providing holistic occupational therapy and coaching services for children and families in The Bay Area. Providing these services in the child and family's natural environment (home, playground, community) leads to the best results. My mission is to provide families with the knowledge and support to help their children live full, happy, fun lives. I am committed to looking at the whole child, not just one aspect of function. Are you are tired of fighting for quality services for your child? Fed up with wondering how to help them perform better in school or even at the dinner table? Message me today to find out how I can help!

Why Work with Me?

I believe in teaching my clients how to be self sufficient and and to make their own lives more satisfying. By cultivating caring relationships with clients, I teach them life-long skills for achieving goals and for managing difficulties. My focus is on the whole child: family, environment, interests, diet, hobbies and more. We will work together to discover strategies that are functional for you and tailored to your family dynamics. I will look at each unique child and his/her situation with a holistic lens to maximize function, health and wellness.

Here is what sets me apart:

  • I will be honest with you and will only recommend services and equipment that are necessary

  • I will not agree to work with you unless I think I can truly help your child/family. I will refer you to a different practitioner, specialty or service if I feel you would benefit more from working with them

  • I will provide services until we have decided together that our goals have been met. The ultimate goal of therapy and coaching is independence; for the client to not require my services any more is the best outcome!

  • There is a real need for occupational therapy and coaching services for children and adults in The Bay Area. My goal is to spend my time working with clients who truly need my services

Cooling off and working on ball skills with a summer fun water balloon toss game!

Cooling off and working on ball skills with a summer fun water balloon toss game!

More about my EDUCATION and experience

My journey began as a middle school student who volunteered at a local children's hospital on the East Coast. That experience transformed my life in that I wanted to help kids live full lives despite their medical challenges. I went to college at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. There I continued my volunteer work with children at local hospitals throughout my time as an undergraduate. After graduating with a degree in Kinesiology, I was chosen to be a member of the Teach For America program. While teaching in New York, I observed my students receiving occupational therapy services. I realized how much the OTs helped students' function in the classroom. This motivated me to return to school to earn a Master's degree in occupational therapy.

I have worked with children, teens and families for over 10 years in the role of teacher, occupational therapist and coach. My ability to combine science, psychology, education, and my holistic view of health and wellness enables children and families to live life to the fullest.

A few more details & credentials

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL

Master of Science in Teaching, Pace University, New York, NY

Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology/Movement Science, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

CPR/AED Certification (American Heart Association, for healthcare providers, current)

Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute (ATRI), Member


Positioning and Movement During Play

Pediatric Teletherapy

Kinesiology Taping for Pediatrics - Pediatric Kinesiology “Monkey Tape”

A Vision-Based Approach to Torticollis

Prenatal/Birth Trauma: Challenges Observed & Effective Treatment Options to Promote Physical & Emotional Development

The Role of Occupational Therapy in the Postpartum Period

An Introduction to DIR and DIRFloortime (ICDL)

Hormones, Neurotransmitters, Diet & Health

Immunity, Inflammation & The Gut Microbiota

SOS Approach to Feeding - When Children Won’t Eat: Picky Eaters vs. Problem Feeders

Infant Handling and Positioning

Pediatric Kinesiology Taping - Rock Tape

Therapeutic Listening(R): Listening with the Whole Body

Brain Gym

S’Cool Moves

Myofascial Release (MFR) - Pediatric Techniques

Get Ready to Learn (Yoga, Mindfulness and Breath)

Eyesight to Insight

Crisis Prevention Institute - Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training Program

Sign Language in the Therapy Setting

Assistive Technology for OTs and PTs in the Classroom

Building Blocks for Sensory Integration

Using Nutrition to Improve the Biochemistry of Development, Learning and Mood

Talk Tools - Feeding Therapy: A Sensory-Motor Approach

Visual Information Processing Problems in School-Aged Children

Modifying the Zones of Regulation for the Classroom

Evidence-Based Behavioral and Social-Emotional Support for Students with ADHD

Intro to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab (ATRI)

Therapeutic Aquatics for Children (ATRI)

Intro to Hydrodynamics (ATRI)

...and many more!

For more information, please see LinkedIn: