
Priya is a powerful educator and an absolute life force. Not only do I still marvel at her endless patience and determination, I am routinely moved by her compassion and positive regard for my son. He often sits by the door in anticipation of her visit. That’s how engaging and fun he finds her, despite how much she challenges him. She has that rare expertise and effectiveness behind the good intentions and encouraging words. Keenly observant and incisive, she is consistently responsive to his development, so his sessions are maximally beneficial. She is head and shoulders above all the other therapists whom my son has had in this area. Although I am a critical and demanding person, I cannot think of a single way to improve her.

What Priya has coaxed out of my youngest boy is astonishing. He is a better person for having met her, as am I.
— P.L., Parent, Marin County, California
Priya is an advocate and expert. She has helped me and my son’s teachers better understand his needs and showed me how to champion my son through example. She is clear and direct in her communication, patient and detailed in her explanations of his challenges and growth. My son and my family loved working with her!
— A.L., Parent, San Francisco, California
Priya is truly one of a kind! Her knowledge and expertise in both Occupational Therapy as well as classroom structures makes her an asset to any school. She was able to provide us with practical classroom modifications to best support the students in our school. Priya always goes above and beyond for every teacher, family, and child she works with. She has each child’s best interest at heart and her supports make meeting each child’s unique needs in a general education classroom feasible. Priya is by far the best OT I have ever had the pleasure to work with!!
— ~R.B., Teacher, Marin County, California
Priya is the definition of a Unicorn. It’s rare to meet a person whose determination to advocate for what’s right, dedication to her work, and brilliance in providing nothing short perfection is unparalleled. She gives you her very best because she doesn’t know how to do anything less.

We were at a huge loss when Priya entered our lives. Our son’s school lacked the necessary skills to provide any classroom support or suggestions on what to do at home. He was changing right before our eyes - from a happy, curious boy who loved to learn, to a sad, discouraged child that often cried about going to school.

Priya changed all of that.

Through thorough evaluations, multiple visits to each classroom our child attended, Priya not only identified where our son needed help (and it wasn’t close to what the school had suggested) but provided detailed programs for the teachers in the school to implement in general because all the the students would benefit.

The change in our son was immediate, but that isn’t the most remarkable thing Priya did for us. She advocated so strongly with the school and when she realized it was fallen on deaf ears, she told us to remove him immediately. This was 8 weeks into the school year. We listened and I will be eternally grateful she was confident enough to make the determination and share her opinion with us. It was the best thing we could have done.

To date, our son is THRIVING. He loves his new school. Our happy, curious boy is back!
— B.R., parent, San Francisco, California
We felt so lucky to have such a wonderful, kind therapist come to our home and help our kids improve fine motor skills. Priya is the kind of therapist who does not push more therapy than necessary, or make small issues seem bigger than they are. This is not always the case with therapists and it was something that I really appreciated. She is honest and to the point, but kind and empathetic. She was so dedicated and passionate about helping our kids. They loved her and all her games and creative ways to work on OT! They just thought they were playing not working! Priya is so organized and thoughtful in her approach and gives clear suggestions to work on until the next session. She was amazing and I would recommend her again and again. We were lucky to have her in the kids’ lives!
— S. W., parent, San Francisco, California
It is with no exaggeration when I say Priya has changed my kid’s entire future. He’s got a new confidence that infuses every part of his life.
— M.G., parent, San Francisco, California
Priya has the genuine kind of rapport with children and interest in their lives that can never be taught. Her ability to work with teachers to offer functional and realistic strategies to assist students in their classrooms has been instrumental to many of our students’ learning. In addition to in school support, she provides families with various activities to foster independence and develop students’ problem solving skills outside of the school environment as well.
— W.S., state certified teacher, California
Priya helped our son discover his strengths while also giving him the knowledge and vocabulary to understand and describe his challenges. She empowered him as an individual, and us as parents, with tools and strategies that are easy to implement in the midst of a hectic schedule, but also very impactful and confidence-building for us all. She is not daunted by challenges, listens carefully to the whole family, and creates fun, effective and heartfelt interventions that bring real change and growth!”
— B.W. and M.D., parents, San Francisco, California
Priya is the best OT I have had in 23 years!!! She is organized, works exceedingly well with the kids; meeting their needs while making working on their goals age appropriate and fun. She develops interactive activities....and attends all IEP meetings where her insight into individual students’ needs and ongoing progress is invaluable.
— Elementary School Principal, Marin County, California
We love you, Priya! You have been a total blessing to my daughter and I. You have trusted what you know, how my daughter feels, and trusted in my position as the expert on my daughter. You have been the greatest medicine for her mind, body and spirit. From the bottom of my heart - Thank You!
— M.A., parent, San Francisco, California
Priya was an asset to our school! We miss her collaborative nature and ability to provide realistic strategies to teachers; her years as an elementary school teacher make it easy to connect with her on how to effectively support children in the classroom. Priya has an ability to connect with students that provide the greatest challenge to teachers. She figures out what they need and works relentlessly to help them succeed in the school setting all while making sure their teachers felt supported. We miss Priya so much!
— K. B., state certified teacher, New Jersey
Priya has changed [our son’s] life and he will cherish what she taught him throughout all of his life, which is the enjoyment of physical activities.
— N.S., parent, San Francisco, California
I feel confident saying that Priya is the best Occupational Therapist I have ever worked with. The combination of her intuition, expertise, kindness, experience, and knowledge make her a top-notch professional and a wonderful person to learn from. She truly cares about the families that she works with and makes sure she tailors the treatment to their individual needs. If a family member (or myself) needed an OT I would absolutely reach out to Priya for help!
— E.B., Speech and Language Pathologist, New York City, New York
Thanks again for all your work with our son. He’s come a long way and you were a big part of that. When we started working with you, he was struggling with his coordination and we’re thrilled that he can now swim so well. He’s so much more confident on the playground, too. All your work has definitely made him more functional at school. Just yesterday morning, he joined right into a soccer game at school without hesitation. Additionally, the classroom calming box you made for him has been invaluable and we appreciate your help in working with the school on that.

You are a great therapist. We are so happy that we were introduced to you!
— L. L., parent, San Francisco, California