Occupational Therapy Services:

Shopping at Target for an awesome movie!

Shopping at Target for an awesome movie!

Occupational Therapy Evaluation

A full evaluation including discussion with other therapists, parents, doctors, teachers as appropriate. Standardized testing is administered, scored and results are written in a formal report. Suggestions for next steps, recommendations, goals are included in the report. The evaluation is done in the home and/or school setting as applicable.

Direct Occupational Therapy Treatment Session

Direct treatment of your child in a setting agreed upon by parent and therapist (i.e. home, community, playground, etc). This may also include life skills, self-care or community outings as appropriate. These sessions are supposed to be FUN! Kids barely realize they are working, and the strategies and improvements have a excellent carryover when therapy is provided in the natural environment.

Private School or Home Occupational Therapy Consult

Therapist will travel to your home or child's private school to observe the child and consult with parents and/or teachers to develop a plan to improve function in the setting chosen. This may include suggesting an OT evaluation, but often times other services are recommended instead. Whatever the child needs is recommended, with priorities for next steps highlighted in the consultation report. 

Pre-School Occupational Therapy Screening

Not sure if your pre-school aged child needs an OT evaluation?

Therapist will speak with family/caregivers and teachers, in addition to doing a short 45 min- 1 hour observation at your child's pre-school. Suggestions for next steps and strategies will be documented in a short report.


As a teacher, are you confused about how to work with your wiggliest kids? Are difficulties with transitions and those pesky pencil grasps getting in the way of your teaching? In this type of school consulting, the therapist will observe whole classes in the private school/pre-school setting. A debrief meeting is scheduled afterwards to discuss strategies that the teacher(s) can implement to maximize student success and decrease teacher stress. Priya's teaching background combined with her OT lens is the perfect combination to provide relief, practical strategies and resources for even the toughest classrooms.

Aquatic occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy treatment sessions in an aquatic environment (i.e. family's home pool, community pool).

OTHER Services:

Green smoothie time!

Green smoothie time!

Whole Kid Coaching

Whole kid coaching is a way to optimize your child’s function in particular areas. Not sure if your child needs OT, Speech, Tutoring? Think something is going on but you aren’t sure about what next steps to take? Whole Kid Coaching may include observations of the child and family, discussions with parents and teachers, direct play or work with the child. The whole child is taken into consideration (i.e. interests, diet, age, family lifestyle) and recommendations are made. As a former elementary school teacher and current occupational therapist my coaching can address a wide variety of concerns or areas of improvement. I have worked with families on a variety of areas including:

·      decreasing sugar intake to improve attention and mood

·      life skills

·      social skills

·      diet/food allergy/intolerance changes and how to incorporate them into the whole   family’s life

·      strategies for attention, focus, school

·      suggestions for extra curricular activities, community programs, etc to optimize performance

Refined sugar and allergen free pancakes!

Refined sugar and allergen free pancakes!

Cooking by Feel - lifestyle, health and food coaching for kids and families

Food coaching is a way to improve picky eating, make healthier choices for children and families, learn how to involve children in cooking, teach kids healthy habits and routines early. It may involve:

·      food art

·      playing with food

·      exploring new foods

·      grocery trips with child and/or family

·      cooking or making a recipe

·      suggestions for how to decrease stress around mealtime

·      ideas for improving picking eating


Please note that this is a coaching service. This is not feeding therapy or occupational therapy. If you are in need of a feeding therapist I can refer you to some great ones!

Exploring purple foods from the market!

Exploring purple foods from the market!

Tomato harvest from the garden - we did some Cooking by Feel to invent a yummy recipe for salsa!

Tomato harvest from the garden - we did some Cooking by Feel to invent a yummy recipe for salsa!